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Teaching Artists

Harmony after-school music program in Sioux Falls

Harmony South Dakota is seeking applicants for teaching artist positions. Teaching artists must share the core values of Harmony South Dakota and embrace both the social and musical mission of the program.  A commitment to creating a caring environment that encourages cooperation, creativity, inclusion, kindness, and joy is essential among teaching artists and students.


Harmony South Dakota's String Orchestra is a teaching orchestra.  Teachers will play side-by-side with students during rehearsals and performances.  Teaching artists will lead  instrumental sectionals, teach private lessons, and play with and instruct their section during the large ensemble rehearsals.  Teaching artists are encouraged to perform for the students on occasion as well.


Additional Teaching Artists are needed for cello, viola, and violin.  Teachers are needed weekday afternoons from 3:00-5:30.  Teaching Artists will be paid based on training and experience.  Whether you can commit to one, two, or three days per week, we would love for you to be a part of our program. 


Please contact us if you are interested in interviewing for a position.

Call us:


Mailing Address: 

4005 W 90th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57108

© 2013-2020 by Harmony South Dakota, Inc.

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